I was just checking out the right wing answer to the "I Am the 99%" letters. It's the 53%-ers. I think they have a perception that the bottom 47% of income earners don't pay federal taxes, which is nonsense. But here's one on the top of the screen at the moment. A proud 53%-er.
Work 50 hours a week to get yelled at and that's good enough to allow you to afford the clearance racks. This is a badge of honor.
I might respect this guy. He should be proud that he's able to sacrifice in this way and able to deprive himself of luxuries. But I think he should not regard his condition as just. We can do better than this.
A liberal replied to an apparently popular post from a 53%-er. Letter from a liberal to a young marine. It captures my sentiments well. Via Reddit.
Should I make a post that states "the OWS - hoping to be leaches"? :-)
There are winners and whiners - this guy is a winner and through hard work he will succeed, the Liberals are whiners - telling us why working that hard is such a bad thing.
Down to winners and whiners. I put my time in and now I am winning - I sure as hell am not going to let a whiner take my money.
Did you read the letter to the marine, Chad?
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